
A to-do list for your Slack team
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No registration needed, /todo integrates within your Slack team.

Share a to-do list with your team

/todo prepare client presentation

/todo list

With /todo each channel or private conversation has it own to-do list, visible only for its members. Any participant can add and remove items from the list. Every action is public so you don't miss any changes

Assign task to your peers

/todo assign 1 @johnsmith

With /todo you can assign 1 or more users to a task to make sure things get done in your to-do list.

Keep track of your personal tasks


/mytodo call wife

With /mytodo you can create your own private to-do list and see all the tasks you are assigned to.

AND much more!

You can set priorities, edit a task, mark as completed and more. Here is a list of available commands:

  • /todo prepare client proposal Adds "prepare client proposal" to the channels to-do list.
  • /todo list displays the to-do list of the channel (or `/todo list done` to see the completed tasks)
  • /todo edit TXXX new text Updates the text of the task to "new text"
  • /todo done TXXX Marks task with ID TXXX as completed.
  • /todo priority TXXX 1 Moves the task TXXX to the top of the list
  • /todo remove TXXX Deletes task with ID TXXX from the list.
  • /todo assign TXXX to @johnsmith Assigns "@johnsmith" to the task with ID TXXX.
  • /todo unassign TXXX from @johnsmith Removes "@johnsmith" from task with ID TXXX.
  • /todo feedback awesome app Sends "awesome app" to us - Help us make /todo better.
  • /todo help Lists available commands.
  • /mytodo Manage your personal to-do list and view the tasks you are assigned.