

v3.1.1 March 30th 2016

  • Bug fix When you create a task to yourself with @me the text is now saved with your real username. For example /todo @me call client will be saved as "@guillegette call client"
  • Improvement When you run /mytodo you will be able to see the custom name of the list where you have tasks and a link to the channel / group. Note: /todo can't "see" the name of private channels or members of a conversation, so we encourgage you to set a name for the to-do list with the command /todo name Tasks with Mike

v3.1.0 March 26th 2016

  • /todo data was hosted on Parse.com - We have succesfully migrated out of Parse with no impact in production and we have reduced response times by 10x

v3.0.3 March 9th 2016

  • /todo a task for @johnsmith creates the task "a task for @johnsmith" and assigns it to @johnsmith, all in 1 command!

v3.0.2 March 7th 2016

  • Bug fix Issue in v3.0.0 when a username starts with "@me"

v3.0.1 March 3rd 2016

  • Bug fix Issue in v3.0.0 with double digit task numbers

v3.0.0 March 1st 2016

This is a big milestone for /todo with some breaking changes and a refactor of the whole code base to give us the ability to deliver new features faster.

This release is packed with new features and we made /todo smarter than ever.

Breaking Changes
  • /todo list calls the to-do list silently (you can only see it)
  • /todo show shares the to-do list with your team
New Commands
  • /todo remove 1 removes task number 1
  • /todo unassign @user from 1 remove @user from task number 1
  • /todo list done lists the latest tasks completed silently
  • /todo show done shows the latest tasks completed to the team
  • /todo assign 1 to @me assigns a task to yourself
  • /todo done 1,2 and 3 marks tasks 1, 2 and 3 as done at the same time
  • /todo remove 4 and 5 deletes tasks 4 and 5 at the same time
  • /todo assign 1 and 2 to @user1 and @user2 assigns tasks 1 and 2 to the users @user1 and @user2
  • Do you mean /todo list? /todo recognises misspelled commands, saving you from creating unwanted and annoying tasks.